Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Still Waiting...

The call came early this morning that the courts in Ethiopia saw no cases today due to a lack of electricity. :( Bummer. Yesterday,Monday, the BFAS staff went back to court and the courts record clerk had pulled the wrong case file for the judge and when our case was called- the wrong file was in front of the judge and we were again rescheduled for today. They apologized but rescheduled. Today, there is no electricity-- so the BFAS staff will try again tomorrow. sigh. We are bummed that this court decree is not finalized but........WE HAVE NOT LOST FAITH in our Mountain MOVING, Awe Inspiring, Loving, Kind, Big, All Powerful, All Knowing, Omnipresent GOD. He is mighty to save. We pray that HIS will is done through this adoption of Nahom into our family. We want HIS will for us, in HIS time. So, please PRAY for God's will to be done. Thanks for hanging in there with us......


PS-- We are having an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING time at Spring Canyon. It has been such a time of refreshing rest and fun. We are so thankful for this time in the Lord as a family!

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