"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
No matter what the dilemma might be tomorrow......I know it is in God's hands and I'm giving it to him!!
We've faced MANY challenges and speed bumps in the last few days (and even just today!) that have slowed us down but NOT defeated us!! This afternoon, I had to just LAUGH at Satan's attempt to attack our family!! It's really NEARLY funny!! WE ARE STANDiNG FIRM AND OUR HOPE AND FAITH AND TRUST IS IN THE ONE TRUE LIVING GOD!!!
The tribulations.....well--- we've had to buy a new truck for Joel in the past week and now my car is in the shop as of today!! HAHA!! Crazy but true..... no car trouble for YEARS and the week after we return from doing God's Will for our family by adopting from Ethiopia.....BOTH cars have issues! I don't know about you, but I think we are UNDER ATTACK!! Joel's truck was DUN. Blown up and had to be salvaged. Hopefully, my suburban will be repaired without too much time or expense! We are really thankful for the "Emergency Fund" and still see God providing for us in the middle of the trials. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME!!
Joshua Nahome is doing very well. Better and better each and every day. Communication is slowly but surely getting easier as I understand his Kembatanese language more and he understands my "Texanese" language more--- the middle ground is growing and it is getting easier to communicate!! :) He has been eating a more varied diet today and in the past 10 days, he has already gained 6 pounds! WOW!! He eats well and he also sleeps well and is a very jolly little boy for the most part!! He is still having a few meltdowns every day but they are getting less intense and his recovery from each meltdown is faster now, also. He's a sweetie and we are super thankful that he is a part of our family. The transition is going better than I had expected. Here's a picture of him sleeping while we were in Ethiopia..... he is precious....

We'll keep you posted as I have time!! Please continue to pray for us!!!
Yep, satan hates it when we are following God's will, but is a blessing to see God's provision of peace, faith and joy even in the midst of it all. Joel's truck lived a long productive life, RIP. Ha, So thankful for you all and praying for you as your family adjusts to all the changes. Love you much, Aunt Vickie
Thank you for sharing your blessing with us all.
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