Dear Friends, I have so much to say and so much to share that I really don't know where to begin. I haven't even begun to tell you all about our trip to Ethiopia and how LIFE CHANGING that was.... and now there are so many things we're experiencing on the OTHER side of the adoption, the "we're home now" side, that I'm nearly paralyzed not knowing where to start to catch up on my blogging. So bear with me and please be patient with me--- it has been a WHIRLWIND of WONDERFUL for our family but because I am overwhelmed by my thoughts (and yes, my emotions too) I've decided that tonight I'm just going to share some recent family photos and gather up my energy to begin telling you more about our amazing and humbling journey..... tomorrow.
BEFORE. This is the first moment that we met Joshua Nahome. Notice the fear, sadness and uncertainty in his eyes and in the second photo, notice his closed body language. This is a picture of EVERY orphan in the world....a child that is scared and lonely.

AFTER. This is Joshua Nahome 2 weeks after joining our FAMILY. Notice the joy, excitement and love in his eyes and his sweet spirit. These are pictures of a child that was an orphan but now has a family to call his own. We are so blessed to witness and be a part of the miracle and gift of this child's life.

Joshua Nahome FINALLY sat down in the bathtub to play with Joel Daniel and thought it was so funny! Isn't this picture a hoot? I love it!

Joshua Nahome found a ziploc bag of my Valentine ornaments and has carried this ziploc bag around my house for 2 weeks now and he periodically decorates himself and whomever happens to be near him.....usually Joel Daniel!!! Are you smiling yet?? Isn't that smile just contagious?

Everyone loves it when Dad gets on the's the Newsom Team minus Mom, the photographer, having a great time together!

Another picture of Joshua Nahome all decorated up with his Valentine ornaments. This sweet little boy makes us laugh every day and he is a precious treasure to our family. We are very thankful.
This adoption has been good.
This adoption has been hard.
This adoption has been heartbreaking.
This adoption has been heartwarming.
This adoption has brought us more joy than I can even put into words.
We are Very Very Blessed,
Today I am reminded of the scriptures that God used to bring us into obedience to adopt Joshua Nahome. The Bible says....
John 14: 18 "I will not leave you as orphans: I will come to you."
Matthew 18:4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
1 John 3:17 "But whoever has material possessions, and seeth his brother have need, but has no compassion on him, how can the love of God dwell in him?"
Thank you so much for this post. It is exactly what I needed today as we are beginning the journey to bring home our daughter from Ethiopia... Thank you!
Our first home study is today. I'm watching your journey as we walk through ours. Please keep posting.
Amy- Wow! I found your blog on the BFAS blog role. We have had a whirlwind of just a week as we are waiting to become Fikirus family. Thank you for sharing all that you have. I receive so much strength from others in this process. You are very blessed as are we. It is so true that God makes this all possible and HE is in control. Congratulations!!
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