We were CHANGED by our trip to Ethiopia. We fell in love with so many children and people hungry for love (and food!!) We've been praying about mission work in Ethiopia since then and God has started revealing and opening doors and windows for this opportunity to share the gospel, food, clothing, medicine and LOVE to the needy people in Ethiopia. God has connected HIS people, opened some of HIS doors and is truly at WORK coordinating this medical mission!!! We will begin fundraising for this medical mission soon--- we're just praying that the Lord will show us how to fundraise to make HIS will happen and ETERNALLY impact the people of Ethiopia-- we've never done this kind of thing before!! This is new territory for our family! Please pray for us as we strive to serve HIM and pray big for Ethiopia!
On a side note-- Joshua Nahome is doing well. His English speaking skills are amazing me this week. He is making huge strides in speaking!! We have many good days and some tougher days but overall, WHAT A BLESSING to be his family. It's an unconditional love that I'm honored to give and also receive! He's a very sweet little boy with a super sweet smile!! See for yourself..... isn't this a sweet smile???

So-- you ask-- what are the tough days like with Nahome?? Well--it's mainly normal kid challenges like fighting over toys, talking loudly over one another to get attention, playing too roughly, using poor eating manners,not sharing, walking in the kitchen a thousand times every day wanting snacks- (he eats tons and can not possibly be hungry immediately after a big meal--- I think it is a food issue to some degree---a fascination that here in America, food is AVAILABLE and his attempt at wanting to make sure that he has access to it!) We have equity issues, making sure that everyone gets their turn sitting in this seat or that seat, etc. etc., we have issues with interrupting and he has a hard time waiting for things! Most of the issues are not adoption issues at all-- but just normal sibling issues! The difference is that EVERYThiNG here is new to Nahome. He is just LEARNING how our family works and every challenge and issue is a learning time for him. I do get tired after a full day of meeting needs, teaching and playing referee but I would have it no other way and am very thankful for the opportunity to be the mother my 5th child! We are VERY BLESSED!
So-- you ask-- what are the good days like for Nahome? Well-- they are full of laughter, smiles and the chatter of little voices talking to one another or themselves. They are moments snuggled on the couch together reading, lots of big hugs and kisses, the little twinkle in the eyes of a happy child. Watching him learn and interacting during a game. They are the fun moments of excitement over new experiences, new tastes, new sights, new smells, new fun, new food, new shoes, new pants. They are watching him watering the flowers and the excitement over feeding the fish. It is the fun of seeing him LOVE swimming and riding his bicycle. It's the amazement in his eyes when he first went to the zoo and the sheer delight in his eyes when he ate his first S'more!! It has been a blessing for us to see the joy in Nahome's eyes. Here's a picture of Nahome's very first camping trip-- he was eating his first marshmellow ever! (He loved it!!!)

The blessing and joy is in the realization that God is using us!! It is a true miracle that God would choose to use US, very broken and unworthy vessels, to make an ETERNAL impact on Nahome's life. Nahome was an orphan and NOW HE HAS A FAMILY. wow. We are God's provision and love to a once fatherless/orphaned child. What God has done in our family is just amazing and the reality of our new life together is that God has shown us the depth of HIS LOVE through Nahome.
Truly blessed and thankful today-
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families." Pslam 68:5-6
"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spriit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you." Matthew 28:18-20
Please pray BIG for Ethiopia and for the upcoming medical mission trip to Nedjo! I'll keep you posted as things progress!! :)
He is just precious! Congrats on all God is using you for!
Wow!! Hello Amy and Joel. I have discovered your blog through Darryl and Melinda Pierces. God is truely shining through your family. I have sat and read every post and just cried tears of joy for you. Amy please email me your email. I would love to make contact with you. Rebecca Monk Tubb
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