Since we've been home.......I have had lots of trouble sleeping. I lay in bed with visions of all of the little children with sad eyes that are living on the streets or if they are lucky, in orphanages-- longing for a mom and dad. Hungry for food, hungry for love.

I have this picture of the little boy with scabies and oozing sores all over his head and no means by which to get medical care imprinted on my heart.

I am angry with myself that I did not take more medicines, antibiotics, food and gifts with me when we visited the rural villages.

I am ashamed that I saw real people drinking brown, muddy water out of ditches and I didn't share my bottles of clean water. This man was getting water out of the sewer line at the Mercato.

I'm frustrated that we passed HUNDREDS of people walking miles and miles for water and to sell sticks at the village markets and we did not stop and offer anyone a ride.

My biggest regret about our trip to Ethiopia is that I didn't love, share, and give more to the hurting people there. We didn't help those that needed help as much as we could have, we didn't share as much as we should have but we are thankful that God planted some amazing seeds in our hearts and allowed us to connect with other like minded Christians that are seeking to serve God in a BIG way in Ethiopia!
We are now PRAYING BIG for Ethiopia and we want to do more to share God's love with these needy, spiritually lost and hungry people!
I really don't know what capacity He has for ME in this ministry effort, it may be no more than the networking, praying, and coordinating the connections for the ministry team--but whatever it is......we are praying that God continues to use us even though we are truly broken vessels...... even though we are sinners and don't even come close to deserving God's love for us.
Please pray BIG for Ethiopia and that God's plans for mission work there would be clear to us and please also continue to pray for our family!
Hi Amy- We have tickets to leave for Ethiopia on Friday. I would love if you have a minute to talk to you about things we can bring that would be very useful there. We have bags and bags of donations but I am thinking we should take other things too like medications and such. Please email me and maybe we can coordinate a time to talk. THANKS!! Sierra- Fikiru and baby Dawit (Moses) mom
Hi Amy,
I am so happy that your son is home! It is extremely difficult when you get home from Ethiopia, I find that even a year later I sit and think about all the children left behind all the need that is there. you are just left feeling like what your doing is not enough. it is very hard. so we will also be praying 'big' for Ethiopia!
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