Wednesday, June 17, 2009

James chapter 1

Another day of waiting folks. BFAS says it WILL happen tomorrow, Thursday at 1000am, Ethiopian time. That is tonight at 0200am for us so... please keep praying. I mentioned before that our family is spending this week at a Christian retreat center in the Rocky Mountains with tons of great speakers and family time every day. Yesterday after I spoke to BFAS about our case being delayed, again--- we went to our morning session. The scripture focus was James chapter 1. God is soooooo good. "Consider it ALL joy....." I was very moved and inspired and encouraged that God calls us to overcome trials, persevere through troubles, and through these he produces patience, endurance, and completes a work in us through them all!! Thank you Lord for YOUR words to me yesterday. If you haven't read James chapter 1 recently--- take some time today. I was so encouraged in the midst of this trial! Please pray for God's will to be done in our family! He IS completing a work in our family and we are so thankful to be in the midst of His will for us, even if it is HARD! Guess what the last verse in James chapter 1 is???

"Religion that God the Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the things of the world."

Isn't God amazing??

Blessings during the WAIT,

1 comment:

Angel said...

Praying for your family.

God is good and He is working for your good. He wants to see the orphan find amazing homes to live in.

In 20 years, these few hard days will seem like a distant memory and you will have amazing stories to tell Nahom.

I am glad that you are in a place with such encouragement in times like these.

Patience is a virtue we never attain but strive for continually.

When I awake in the middle of the night, I will be praying!
