Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer plans......

All is well in the Newsom home. We have been blessed beyond measure, every single day. We've had a busy week wrapping up sports activities and finishing up our school work for the year. It's been a fun season of baseball, softball, and swimming. Joel is now in the final few weeks of his Army school and the kids are really excited about being done for the school year also!! I must admit that I'm ready for a summer break too!

It will be nice to be able to fully focus on all the extra projects that need to happen before we bring Nahom home and then before we get moved to Texas. I've honestly felt like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off these last few days and I'm really longing for some time to get things in order for our summer adventures! 3 more days of school and then we are going to conquer the "TO DO" LIST!!!

Our summer is going to be an exciting adventure for sure! Several months ago we were wanting to go to a family camp in the mountains of Colorado but because we were unsure of our adoption timeline, we couldn't commit. The family camp waiting list filled up and we had resigned ourselves to the fact that we just weren't going to be able to do it this summer. Well-- on Tuesday-- (yes, the exact SAME day we got our court date!) we got a phone call that there was a family that was unable to attend the week long camp and they had a spot for us, AND- they'll give us a 50% discount because it's our first time there!! The next miracle--- it is the week after Joel graduates from this Army school and (*we think) it will also be two weeks before we travel to pick up Nahom in Ethiopia. We are totally AVAILABLE to do the camp that one week and God opened the doors and has given us all the desires of our hearts plus some more! YEA! We've never been to this kind of thing before and know that God will be glorified as we spend time together as a family in a Christian setting, seeking to learn and grow in Him! We'll then come back here to Kansas and get ready to go to Ethiopia for Nahom. After we recover from the jetlag and spend a few days settling in as a family of 7, we'll do the standard Army move to Ft. Bliss, Texas! There is lots of good stuff happening for us this summer! We are super excited to see God's plan unfolding and are so happy that HE is guiding our steps!

Please take a few moments this weekend to celebrate and remember those soldiers/veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of freedom. Freedom that we so often take for granted as citizens of the United States of America. Let us not forget what these men and women have done for us and please pray that God continues to bless us as a nation and sends a great revival to our country!

Our court date is in 19 days! Please remember Nahom in your thoughts and prayers, too. :)

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend-

This scripture spoke to me today as I was thanking God for revealing His plan for our summer and for working out all the details so

Psalms 138:8 "You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am."

and I just love this one......

Joshua 22:5 "Be very careful to obey all the commands and the law that Moses gave to you. Love the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, obey His commands, be faithful to Him, and serve Him with all your heart and all your soul."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like God is just all over your family Girl! THAT ROCKS!