(Praise note: I am starting to feel better!)
So I'm going to try to wrap up our week in TX, it was so fun.....
My Mom had a "little" fall the day after we arrived and broke both bones in her lower arm. After a 4 hour surgery and 3 days of hospitalization for antibiotics (compound fracture)- she got to be back home with us. I was super thankful that my sisters and I were there to help her through those first few days in the hospital and I also got to play some serious domino games with my Dad, Angie, and Nannie during mom's surgery. I'm getting pretty good at this game although it really hurts my mommy-brain to count faster than my Dad!! He's a pro! So, Mama Carr and Papa Carr also hosted a giant Easter Egg hunt at the farm on Saturday with over 55 aunts, uncles, cousins and friends there! The food was amazing, the eggs were delightful (over 300 candy filled eggs, I would guess!) and the weather was absolutely perfect!! For those of you who don't know my mom....you'll be surprised to know that she hosted this grand event only 6 days post-surgery, absolutely one handed!! She is a very strong woman and continues to inspire me with her unconditional love, her generosity to all, and her perseverence through trials!
A picture is worth a thousand words so here are a few to showcase our
Mom after her arm surgery!! (this was a bad arm break!!)

Mom, Nannie, Angie and I at the hospital- we had lots of time to REALLY talk! Fun!

Some of the very cute eggs the kids dyed!

The kids did lots of fishing, riding four wheelers, bon-fires, marshmellow roasting, and exploring in the woods. They also each got to spend a special night one-on-one with Mommommy and Poppy and were treated and spoiled to all kinds of special stuff with them. Joel and I went on a date, and we got to see all of our grandparents over the week (YEA!)
Madilyn just a fishin'-- notice the beautiful sunset!!

Carrson, Jackson and Dawson catching some fish!!

Dawson and Hannah on a side-ways tree we found along the creek....this tree is totally alive but absolutely growing horizontal to the ground!! Very cool!

The Carr cousins reinacting Neanderthal life after discovering some cow bones in the woods!!

We also celebrated Joel Daniel's 3rd birthday while we were with our families!! He is such a joy and I'm so blessed to get to spend every day with him!! I can't imagine my life without this sweet spirited, fun loving, smiling, and joyfilled child! He is a true sweetheart and I'm so in love with him!! Here are some photos of his birthday celebration!!
Candles at every meal!! Pancakes with 3 birthday candles!! Look at that smile!

Joel Daniel loves trains.....here is his train bday cake!! CUTE!!

The birthday crew!!! What a fun birthday! We love you Joel Daniel!!!

Our Fun Family Spring Break Week was super busy and fun!! It was truly some memory making time! We enjoyed it immensely, but we were very exhausted by the time we drove 9 hours north to our home on Sunday night! We were very blessed during this week and loved our time with the whole family!!
Adoption News....well, there really is not much adoption news, except that we are still waiting. We have been waiting for another referral of siblings since March when we lost the referral for Joshua and Emma. We are still praying for these two sweet children even though we've never met them and probably never will on this side of eternity. These two are special to us in an amazing way and we know that God knows them personally and hears our prayers on their behalf!
God has been good over the last few weeks to see me through many tough days longing to bring home our babies from Ethiopia. God has been truly preparing our hearts for these children as we wait and I can't wait to lavish them with love and give them a family and a place to call "HOME". Please pray for God to place the perfect children He has for us in our home at the perfect, God-ordained and God-willed time!! Pray that this adoption continues to be a "ONLY GOD COULD DO THIS" testimony of mountains-moving, lives-changing, and Christ's Love being shared with the world through this journey! Our hearts desire is to honor, glorify, and serve GOD through this adoption!! Please pray that we'll be strong in this ministry!!
Hope your day is super blessed!!!
1 comment:
Love the cake and fun times!
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