Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thawing Out

Last night Joel and I went on a Valentine's date with 10 other couples from his small group at CGSC. We ate at Stix and had a YUMMY and FUN Hibachi grill experience. It was a really great dinner out.

Now, if you go back to the beginning our our blog to read the whole story-- you'll know that Joel was NOT onboard to adopt just 6 months ago. He was praying about it with me, but he was a little resentful towards me because he didn't think we could handle more craziness in our house!! ANYWAY-- the LORD has changed his heart in an amazing way and he is so excited now, that "did we get any adoption news today?" is the first question he asks me when he gets home from work every evening. He also has shared photos and our adoption adventure stories with those military folks he is in class with every day. To make a long story short--- he's been talking about the adoption-- LOTS!!

Well, to be very honest with you-- even though I am totally pro-adoption and feel led by God to pursue this adoption---there is a part of ME that hesitates to tell people we are adopting. I know lots of folks will think we are crazy and insane to WANT 6 children and I don't feel particularly comfortable going through the whole story and be in the center of a conversation, etc. etc. etc..

Well- I am sure that you know what God is doing to me, right?

You got it..... He is making me get out of my comfort zone. He is growing and stretching me in a most uncomfortable way! AAAGHGHHGH!!! I was asked MANY MANY questions last night during our Valentine's date about our adoption and I was also asked to speak to a women's group in a few weeks on the subject of the orphan crisis in the world and how we as Christians can make a difference for these children. Can you imagine? I am NOT a public speaker. I am NOT funny or eloquent. I am NOT qualified to speak on adoption. Really---I just filled out a bunch of forms on a checklist. I am so overwhelmed that God is opening these doors of conversation about adoption but I am also excited.

I am super excited because I can see God working during these discussions. I know in my weakness, HE is strong. I am excited because I KNOW that God is planting seeds and opening doors and windows and converstations that will lead other Christians to DO SOMETHING to help these helpless children. God holds the orphan close to his heart and in the Bible, He calls us to care for them but most of us are frozen as Americans. We KNOW there is a crisis out there in the world, but we are just FROZEN because we don't know what we can do to change and impact the crisis. So we just pretend it's really not there and we just pass by on the other side of the road. Why do we do this??? I think we are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the problem. The orphan crisis is so huge and we are so small. There 4.5 million orphans in Ethiopia and it may not seem like much, my friends-- but our family is THAWING OUT and we are going to change the world for 2 of those 4.5 million children. God is at work in our lives and I am so humbled to share our story.

Pray about what YOU can do, also. Maybe you can't adopt children into your home right now....but you CAN send $30.00 a month to Africa to feed, clothe, medicate, and educate an orphan. You CAN pray. You CAN support a Gogo(local Ethiopian foster mom) through a Christian nonprofit organization. You CAN start a orphan ministry in your church. You CAN support and encourage those families you know who are adopting.


You can do something to care for one orphan in our world, and for that child--
you WILL change the world.

Check out the tabs on my blog for several Christian organizations that we've researched and are supporting. These people are sharing God's love to orphans around the world. Please join us on this journey!

WITH LOVE on Valentine's Day,

1 comment:

The AbnWife said...

Amy, you are very thoughful and witty in your words. I'm sure that when you speak to the women's group, you will hold them captivated by your kind heart and the passion with which you speak of those beautiful angels.