Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Name Game

The Name Game.......So that's what Joel and I have been doing for the last few days. We have always struggled with naming our children and this adoption is no exception. While we have decided that we will "probably" give our children new first names and keep their Ethiopian name as their middle name.....we have not decided on these names. The "probably"--- is mentioned because if our children's given Ethiopian names are easy to enunciate and spell- we will proudly keep their given name from Ethiopia. But, in our culture and society, we don't want our children to always be in the spot light because their name is so incredibily different than their peers names, but we do want to honor and remember their Ethiopian names, so we'll use them as their middle names.

So---- we don't have a referral yet and we don't know what gender children we are going to adopt. This makes naming even more challenging-- so we're just really trying to come up with some good ideas for all gender combinations just in case. We do want to give our children their names before we bring them home so that we can specifically pray for them by name and begin introducing them to our 2 1/2 year old so that he can start to associate with the children--- he's just too young to understand "adoption"-- but he will be able to look at a picture of these 2 children and understand their names and become familiar with them as a part of our family discussions and prayers. So----- here are a few of our favorite names.......
might I also mention that we do take into account the meanings of names and think they are important.....

For 2 girls----- Emma(one who heals) and Ella(light)
For 1 girl and 1 boy--- Sarah (princess) and Samuel (name of God)
For 2 boys---- Joshua (whom God has saved) and Justin (the just)

We also like these names......Jordan (decending), Grace (the graceful), Meagan (the strong), Ava (lovely bird), Grant (great), Spencer (giver of provisions),
Isabella using nickname of Bella(consecrated to God).

We would LOVE some input so if you have some great names and want to play the name game with us, feel free to comment on this post and give us some new ideas!!! We need as much help as we can get!!!

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor more than gold and silver." Proverbs 22:1



AnnMarie & Nick said...

No suggestions here but I know just how difficult this game can be. We had choosen a name for our son before he came home. But once we were in Ethiopia and met a birth family member and found out the meaning/reason behind his name it was all over for us. We kept his given name and added a middle name. If he wants to be called by his middle name someday we will. But for now we call him Geremu and if we shorten it to Gere he looks at us and says, "moo" because he doesn't want us leaving the mu out. Best of luck on your decision!

meg said...

love the names! in fact, we had some of the same ones on our list!we too had to come up w/ combo names for our kiddos!
we decided to name our little ones ellie and evan...can't wait to see who God gives you to join your family! :)

Stephanee&Zach said...

Those are a lot of my favorite names too! I especially love Emma, Ella, Samuel, Joshua, and Isabella...but all these names are great. I can't wait for you guys to get your referrals!!! How exciting!